The Rolf Method of Structural Integration is a scientifically validated body therapy. Unlike massage, Structural Integration (SI) focuses not on the muscles but on their protective layer, called fascia (also known as connective tissue). SI aligns and balances the body by lengthening and repositioning the fascia. As fascia is lengthened it allows the muscles to move more efficiently. When restricted fascia is released and lengthened the body can return to its structurally optimal position. The continuing pull of gravity, the stress of daily activities and physical injuries can pull the body out of alignment.  The fascia gradually shortens, tightens and adjusts to accommodate the misalignment. When the body is out of alignment it creates inefficient movement and imbalance resulting in stiffness, discomfort and loss of energy. When a body is aligned and balanced it moves with greater ease. It requires less energy to function. Good posture is effortless and breathing is easier. The body becomes more flexible, more coordinated and athletic performance improves.


Deeply held attitudes and beliefs are reflected within your physical structure and function. This treatment reaches beyond the physical level. It explores the emotional body and the psychological component involved in working with the physical body,  enabling movement from the core of the body in an integrated way. An excellent process for addictive, compulsive & dysfunctional backgrounds, as well as those recovering from physical & emotional abuse.


You will experience stretching, rhythmic compression, rocking and mobilization similar to yoga and shiatsu. This therapeutic massage creates freedom in the joints; increased flexibility and can induce very deep relaxation.


Neuromuscular therapy is used to locate spasms and hyper-contraction in tissue; eliminate trigger points that can cause pain; restore postural alignment, proper biomechanics and flexibility to tissue; rebuild the strength of injured tissue, and assist blood flow. It may be useful in relieving discomfort from such problems as tension headaches, TMJ, back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, chronic sprains/strains or unequal leg length.


Realigns the uterus to restore hormonal and other vital flows as well as the proper position of organs in the abdomen.This is an effective, external treatment for fibroids, migraines, low back pain, endometriosis, painful, irregular menstruation and ovulation, chronic constipation, heartburn, varicose veins, depression, infertility, ovarian cysts, and a host of other symptoms. You will learn to do this procedure for yourself so you can maintain your uterine health.


Sports massage is a vigorous therapeutic massage specifically directed at the major muscle groups used in athletic activities. This massage consists of friction, compression and pressure joint work with emphasis on stretching and short, firmer strokes including kneading and percussion. Excellent preparation for sports activities or after a strenuous workout.


Blocked meridian points are cleared using pressure exerted with fingers, thumbs, hands, forearms, elbows, and feet. Yoga-like stretches and a rocking motion are integral parts of the treatment. Once stagnated energy is flowing freely, tensed muscles relax and dysfunctional organs heal themselves. The client remains clothed for this treatment and traditionally; it is performed on the floor.


The support of water takes weight off the vertebrae and allows the spine to be moved in ways impossible on land. Gentle, gradual twists and pulls relieve the pressure a rigid spine places on nerves and helps undo any dysfunction this pressure can cause to the organs serviced by those nerves. The Watsu receiver experiences greater flexibility and freedom.

Similarly, during Watsu a range of emotions can come up and be released into the process of continuous flow. This reprograms receivers to face life out of the water with greater equanimity and flexibility. Many come out of a Watsu saying they were more relaxed than they have ever been. Some say it was one of the most powerful experiences in their life.

Another principle of Zen Shiatsu is that connecting with the breath takes on a new dimension in Watsu. On land, the breathing is coordinated with leaning into points. In water, our most basic move is the Water Breath Dance, in which we float someone in our arms and let them sink a little as they breathe out and let the water lift us as we both breathe in.” Repeated over and over at the beginning of a Watsu, this “Water Breath Dance” creates a connection that can be carried into all the stretches and moves throughout the session.


Kemetic yoga dates back 10,000 years as a practice in ancient Egypt, which was then known as Kemet. The word “yoga” is Sanskrit, meaning to yoke or bind, and is of Indian origin. Kemetic yoga is similar to the popular forms of yoga practiced today, but there are significant differences in the history and focus.

Ancient Egyptian artwork and spiritual writings that show people in different positions are thought to be instructions in how to perform Kemetic yoga. Although originating back from ancient Egypt, the current incarnation of Kemetic yoga resurfaced in the 1980’s and it was these figures that taught current teachers about Kemetic yoga practice. Yogis studied ancient artifacts from Egypt, and through mimicking the poses they saw, created sequences based on old practices, according to a 1997 article in “Yoga Journal” titled “Egyptian Yoga.”  The main purpose of Kemetic yoga is not to increase flexibility, tone the body or burn calories but to attain “smai tawi.” Smai tawi means the “union of two lands” and refers to the merging of an individual’s lower self and higher self. The philosophical idea of a lower, animalistic self and a higher, more enlightened self is not a concept unique to Kemetic yoga, even though the term smai tawi is original. Another way to look at Smai tawi is the act of dissolving a person’s temporal nature into the transcendent reality or bringing your individual consciousness to connect with universal or divine consciousness.


A unique blend of Pilates, Bartenief, Qi Gong, Yoga, Gyrokinesis and other stretches. Improves core strength, flexibility, joint mobilization, posture, mental clarity, lung capacity, energy level & general fitness. Inercise is a great pain and stress reliever.


No personal program is complete without close scrutiny of diet and supplements. Herbs are nature’s supplementation to a healthy lifestyle, both for prevention and recovery. Simple adjustments can result in grand improvements in energy level, immune strength, mental clarity, reduce stress, improve appearance and performance